Statement by Prince Charles at the Barbados Republic Independence ceremony
December 13, 2021

Following on the statement by the British Prince Charles, the heir apparent to the British throne, speaking for and on behalf of his mother, the Queen ,at the Barbados Republic Independence ceremony the Prince addressed the following critical question of Post-colonial repair. In his address he singled out for recognition the following:
- The obligation to make an open and public apology for the crime and atrocities of the enslavement of Africans
- The obligation as a consequence to address the question of reparation .
These two represent major steps forward by the British government. We must therefore follow upon these with renewed calls for first , the government of The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago to actively take the leadership in the struggle for national reparation for the descendants of enslaved Africans and secondly to call on CARICOM to join forces of the Caribbean people to demand public apology for the crime of slavery and to pay reparations to the descendants of African enslavement by the British Government.
We most renew our urgent call for action by these the principal actors.