Professor Emeritus Winston H.E. Suite

Professor Suite, who was born in 1940 in Princes Town, Trinidad and Tobago, was exposed to the large wealth disparity between the social classes at a young age. His experiences influenced his deep involvement in Trinidad and Tobago's Black Power Movement in the 1970s. This movement fought against inequity and racial discrimination faced by Afro-Trinidadians. Suite, his colleague Wayne Davis, and a group of young black men from San Fernando formed UMROBI (Universal Movement for Reconstruction of Black Identity) to address the issues of widespread poverty and a lack of opportunities.
Suite's lifelong achievements in academia earned him the title of Professor Emeritus, in addition to his philanthropic efforts. His life, in its entirety, exemplifies intense dedication to the betterment of himself and his larger community by giving back to his country through the sharing of his knowledge and experience.
To learn more about Professor Emeritus Winston H.E. Suite click here.