We Must Give Honour To Those Who Gave Selflessly To Enrich Our Nation
September 6, 2022

I have often wondered, even if privately, with the passing of each Labour Day, each Independence Day Celebration, and each Republic Day Celebration, why the various Labour Federations are not moved to honour their own leaders, existing and posthumous, with the equivalent of National Awards. Why? Several union leaders and officers have distinguished themselves and provided outstanding service to their respective unions, the working class in general, and, by extension, our nation, but have received little of the recognition they richly deserve. Many of these "soldiers", by the very nature of the service which they have given, the causes they have defended, and the issues which they have championed, have not always been popular with the government of the day, and sometimes not even with successive governments. Their contribution was so important that they were not recognized with national awards. It is never too late for grateful people, through the Trade Union Movement, to say " thank you" on our behalf. These soldiers did not give service to be thanked, nor did they seek to receive honour. Yet, what is due must be given. This must be done, even if it is done posthumously; we must recognize and honor those who have given selflessly to the national wealth. What can we say?